Sunday, January 1, 2012

Best of 2011

As we make the transition to 2012 I wanted to continue with a little tradition I do; serve you up a little "best of" from 2011.  I wish all of you another great year full of success (by whatever means you define it - and remember you get to define it!)!  And thank you to those of you who have helped shape my life this year (which is to say all of you). 

I hope at least some of these images will touch you in some way as they have touched me.  I have a lot to be grateful for and here's some of the proof as we take this journey together...

We backpacked through some of the most gorgeous back country in the Eastern Sierra.

We lost sight of which way was up...momentarily.

We reached for the sky.

 And reached new heights.

We persevered the storm.

And were rewarded.

 We shined through the darkness.

We got a different perspective on things.

And were reminded how small we really are.

 We stood in awe of new sights.

We stayed focused.

We saw determination pay off.

 We said what we meant and meant what we said.

 We may have looked for a mate...

 ...offered them a gift...

 ...and...well you know...

We were met with antagonists.

We disagreed.

We practiced brotherly love.

 We had serenity.

We were leaders.

We made a splash.

We spread our wings...
And flew...

 We took a look at ourselves in the mirror.

 We nourished.

We soared.

 We feasted.

 We smiled.

 We created.

We rested.

 We ran.

We played.

 We cried.

We danced.

We looked into each others soul.

We kissed.

 We dipped.

 We fell in love.

 We used our drug of choice...adrenaline.

We realized our inner beauty.
We walked off into the sunset.

Happy New Year!